Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Found It!

I think I found it! The perfect wedding dress, the perfect line, the perfect flattering shape any woman dreams of... I'd just keep the little shrug off... Afterall I live in Florida! :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding....

Ohhhhh that dress!!!
Did I love that dress? I am not a lace, traditional person, but that dress was so tasteful, so classy and so clean to be a princess dress. And the heart shaped bust made her body stand out! The tiara suitable for a princess.

Okay! I'm not saying I'm such an expert, but I DID BELIEVE SHE WAS GOING TO WEAR MCQUEEN!!!
Sarah Burton will be placed in the Apparel History books for being the designer who dressed the future queen of England. And most of all, for NAILING IT!

So excited, feels like a breath of fresh air when I turn on the news and see so much tragedy in the US... The storm destroying a home in seconds. That's not fair! Makes me tear and wonder...
Where is the world going to end up?

Sorry, but we do need to escape to a fairy world to be able to withstand all the tragedy in this world these days. Today I had someone tell me they didn't see the wedding for nobody is better than everybody else. I'm sorry. But it is not a matter of someone being better or worse, it is just the enchantment caused by this beautiful wedding... A lot of us dream about getting married in great style... It is mostly the bride's dream day. I'd love to watch more weddings, period. Not matter if it is a "royal" one. A pretty wedding is a pretty wedding everyday...

Oh! I wish I could write about the best and the worst dressed ones... Some people felt like were trying to steel the shine for going all out and crazy... Frustration? I don't know.

No time right now to discuss... Opinions?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Those shoes...

I’ve always had that one remarkable shoe that I just wouldn’t get tired of.
I always try so hard to wear a different outfit, but it is soooo hard not to fall in love with the perfect shoe. It’s a matter of fit. When the shoe fits well, that’s it! That’s the one!!! I noticed with time that the stylish shoe that bothered me much was the one occasional shoe that would sit inside my closet and remain impeccable for the longest time.
Back in my college years, I fell in love with “Birkenstock like” Arezzo sandals; I had a variety of those in all prints and colors. Yes, they had their bottom with the coolest prints. Now I remember my green converse sneakers back on my senior year. I had the sense that they were too fashion forward facing that most students were into those grotesque Doc Martens’ sandals. Some even wore those with socks. Comfort aside, for I am guilty of eventually buying one of those… Those things were so f-ugly!
My obsession right now is for the nautical and all American items. The navy, and whites, and reds… polka dots, stripes, top siders… Oh do I love those Sperry’s? Converse has their version too. C-O-L-O-R-S! Live it up, it's summer!
Soooo… As I live in Florida, I must say, nothing is more Palm Beach than this ;)

Miu Miu

Christian Louboutin

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflexao sobre a existencia e conclusao sobre o respeito.

Nao estou querendo soar pessimista, mas sim, REALISTA.
Eu cresci pensando que era a pessoa mais interessante do mundo. Mas que crianca nao prefere acreditar que o mundo ao redor dela e o melhor que pode existir? Meus pais adoravam ressaltar a minha beleza e grandiosidade. Mas claro. Eles sao meus pais!
So que hoje me pergunto: quem quer saber disso? Ninguem.
A vida so serviu para mostrar-me que cada pessoa so esta atras de vencer e essas, por si so, se preocuparam com a sua propria vidinha. Ate as fofoqueiras de plantao estao mais interessadas em manter o seu repertorio de conversas “fully stocked”, mesmo  sendo sobre a vida dos outros, elas ainda tem como prioridade maior a manutencao dos seus proprios habitos. Vivemos num mundo egoista no qual procuramos a auto-satisfacao, a auto-realizacao, a autonomia e a elevacao da autoestima.
Crescemos pensando que somos tudo o que nossos pais nos dizem e muito mais… Sendo que a unica consequencia que a maturidade nos traz, e a descoberta de que nossa existencia e meramente uma “existencia”, pois somos todos seres humanos, racionais e capazes de entendermos que nao somos mais ou menos que o outros. E apesar de muitos nunca serem capazes de alcancar essa maturidade, somos conclusivamente homo sapiens, mulheres ou homens, feminino ou masculino, que coexistimos e pensamos que somos especiais, mas somos todos iguais dentro da diversidade que ha no planeta Terra.
A criacao do idolo e algo estritamente subjetivo, o valor da arte nao poderia ser mais subjetivo, a vida em sociedade e um poco de subjetividade. Enfim, somos sujeitos da subjetividade, somos cidadaos do mundo e nao somos especiais, somos coexistentes e somos meramente pessoas. Alguns de nos vivemos cercados pelo valor subjetivo das coisas, como artistas, profissionais, pais, irmaos, filhos… Mas essa subjetividade so nos leva a entender que somos uma so humanindade, mesmo nao sendo uma unanimidade.